Intro to CAD for 3D Printing Webinar
Wed evening, the 8th of January, 2020, starting at 6pm Pacific time (UTC-7) and running 1-2 hours, depending on interest and questions. I use GoToMeeting software that allows you a view of my screen and to hear my voice. All you need is a good internet connection.
I will also record the session so that you can have access to review or if you miss the meeting. I do strongly suggest live attendance if possible because you will have the opportunity to ask questions during the session.
This is not necessarily intended as a software tutorial, more of an intro to the concepts of CAD as it relates to 3-D printing. Those who are already well-versed in CAD may still get useful information, but this will be oriented to those who are not yet using CAD to build their own files to print. I will, however demonstrate a few simple projects so that you can see the workflow.
Cost: $15
To help me build the best possible experience for you all, please email me your questions or suggestions. I'm hoping for at least 10 participants to minimally cover my time to prepare for and offer this event.